• Featured,  Print Edition,  Relish

    The Aquifer

    To the Scots, whisky, “uisge beatha” or “usquebaugh,” means “water of life.” Derived from Scottish Gaelic, the word—and spirit—has since traveled the world, taking on new flavor profiles, processes, names, and styles, pairing heritage, history, and cultures. In the United States, where whiskey has become the distinctly American product known as Bourbon and thrives as a tradition of sour-mash, whiskey…

  • Creative Endeavors,  Featured,  Print Edition

    Design language

    In the renovation of this Lincoln Park House in Chicago, Illinois, the intentional composition of light, texture, and material is an ode to the contemporary, where understated elegance and playful undertones breathe character and life in a series of curated moments. It reflects a design language distinctive to its homeowners, defining lifestyle and taste, while highlighting existing interior architectural vernacular…