• Featured,  Form,  Print Edition

    Optima Verdana

    In 2023, Optima, Inc., a family-owned, vertically integrated and design-driven real estate development firm based in Glencoe, Illinois and Scottsdale, Arizona, realized a multi-family, 100-unit apartment building in downtown Wilmette, Illinois, delivering rental residences and an amenity-rich development to the North Shore market. For the privately-held firm, the residential and commercial project is more than its visual composition of glass…

  • Featured,  Print Edition

    Mike Shively, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP

    Founding Partner, Architect En Masse | Chicago, Illinois   To Mike Shively, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, whose mission in life is to make life better through architecture, design is a personal exploration. But it is less about putting his own stamp or personal architectural mark on the work he co-creates with his studio team and clients, and more about the…

  • Creative Endeavors,  Featured,  Print Edition

    Richly textured

    When Mary Tolan, founder and managing partner of Chicago Pacific Founders of Chicago, Illinois, looked to expand the firm’s existing square footage at their headquarters along Michigan Avenue, the investment leader tapped the creative expertise of long-time design partner Yvette Cusack of BJC Designs LLC to bring the dynamic, full floor workplace to life. Located at 980 North Michigan Avenue,…

  • Creative Endeavors,  Featured,  Print Edition

    In celebration

    Lauren Svenstrup, founding principal of Studio Sven in Chicago, Illinois, is self-admittedly not a “yes person” when it comes to her clientele and her passion for design. Instead, it is about finding that rich, creative balance in a pursuit of curiosity over conformity, dedicated to a process of discovery, of exploration, and of the powerful potential of why. Her work,…

  • Design Spotlight,  Featured,  Print Edition

    More than architecture

    For Jennifer Park, AIA, NCARB, founding principal of ParkFowler Plus in Chicago, Illinois, architecture is as much an abstract exploration of the philosophies and theories that have shaped its long history, as it is a practical delivery in which iteration, collaboration, and inclusive practices can inform the built landscape for the future. To Park, design is a way of thinking…

  • Featured,  Print Edition,  Relish

    Daisies: from seed to radical taproot

    For Joe Frillman, executive chef and owner of Daisies in Chicago, Illinois, food is a deeply personal act that often evokes memory and nostalgia—for better or for worse. It is an experience that invites diners to participate in a journey that can delight the palate, tie generations, and expand horizons, and it is also one that seeks a certain level…

  • Featured,  Relish

    To Adalina

    In poetic, literary tradition, a hospitality destination set in the Gold Coast Historic District of Chicago, Illinois has reimagined a second-generation restaurant space into a sensory feast, where its muse is both mystery and namesake, giving voice to the exploration and delight of the culinary experience. Its impression, carefully curated, leaves a lingering hint of curiosity on the palate, as…

  • Design Spotlight,  Featured,  Print Edition

    Pamela Lamaster-Millett, AIA

    Principal, Partner Searl Lamaster Howe Architects | Chicago, Illinois   In the digital age of rapid technology advancement and immersive virtual landscapes, Pamela Lamaster-Millett, AIA, envisions a future in which the industry embraces architecture’s inherent permanence and continues to advocate for the importance of the tactile experience in physical spaces. “In our modern time, where everybody is looking at social…

  • Featured,  Form,  Print Edition

    Soulful space

    For Adina Hall, RA, design is a pursuit of striking the right balance between the technical details and artistic vision, which must coalesce to deliver functional spaces infused with meaning and purpose. It is about crafting spaces that serve as both respite and inspiration, where emotive narratives are woven like rich threads and functional organization, giving way to interior environments…